Content Strategy

Crafting a Distinct Brand Voice in an AI-Driven World

By Andrew Wheeler on September 24, 2024

A recent Skyword survey reveals a significant shift: by June 2025, 90% of marketers will use generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), up from 55% today. This rapid rise underscores the growing reliance on technology to meet the constant demand for fresh content. But while GenAI brings remarkable efficiencies in scaling content production, it also introduces challenges, particularly in maintaining authenticity and brand consistency.

These challenges were front and center in a recent episode of our podcast, Content Disrupted: Bold Takes on Brand Marketing. In the episode hosted by Dan Baptiste, EVP at Skyword, guest Michael Smith, Chief Marketing Officer, at NPR, emphasized that a brand's voice isn't just a stylistic choice—it's a critical market differentiator. Overreliance on GenAI risks diluting this voice, resulting in content that, while plentiful, lacks the emotional impact and authenticity essential for audience engagement and trust.

This issue is a common theme in my discussions with CMOs across nearly every industry. The question is: How can marketers balance technology and brand identity to ensure that automation enhances rather than overshadows their brand's essence?

Establishing and Maintaining Your Brand Voice

Creating a distinct brand voice starts with understanding your unique selling proposition (USP) and aligning it with your audience's expectations. Smith notes that this involves defining your brand's essence and ensuring it resonates consistently across all content. He categorizes content into four types, each serving a specific purpose:

  1. Know: Provide straightforward information to educate your audience. This content establishes authority with clear, factual information.

  2. Understand: Offer context and analysis to help your audience grasp complex topics. Provide deeper insights and demonstrate expertise.

  3. Feel: Evoke emotions through storytelling to forge stronger connections and humanize your brand. This content makes your messages more memorable.

  4. Do: Focus on actionable advice, empowering your audience to take specific actions or make decisions. Be practical and solution-oriented.

NPR's approach illustrates how aligning content with a specific category can help you maintain a consistent and impactful brand voice. The company's emphasis on "Understand" content reflects its commitment to providing in-depth analysis and differentiates it from other media outlets. This strategic alignment ensures that NPR's content not only informs but also educates and engages its audience in a meaningful way.

Focusing Your Efforts for Maximum Impact

Adopting this framework delivers key benefits for your brand, but focusing on 1-2 of these content categories is crucial to avoid diluting your message. As Smith points out, Home Depot, for example, excels in the "Do" category by offering practical advice and actionable content, while the Associated Press focuses on the "Know" category by delivering factual news.

Trying to cover all four categories—Know, Understand, Feel, Do—can water down your brand's positioning and impact. By narrowing your focus, your message becomes clearer and more consistent, resonating more effectively with your target audience.

Leveraging AI to scale content within your chosen category can amplify this effort, allowing for consistent, high-quality content that resonates with your audience across every channel without compromising your brand's identity.

Practical Tips for Defining Your Brand Voice

  1. Identify Your USP: Understand what makes your brand unique. Define your mission, values, and benefits to shape a voice that reflects your identity.

  2. Choose 1-2 Core Content Categories: Use Smith's framework to focus your content. For example, you might deliver factual information via the "Know" category or offer analysis through "Understand" content. Keeping your focus narrow strengthens your brand's message and impact.

  3. Go Beyond Data: As Smith emphasizes, data alone isn't enough. While it can inform your content, it's the context and human insights that truly connect with your audience. Pairing data with storytelling and emotional relevance creates deeper, more engaging content.

  4. Consistency Across Channels: Establish clear tone, style, and messaging guidelines to maintain your brand voice across platforms. Once these are in place, you can input them into GenAI tools to efficiently scale consistent, on-brand content across multiple channels.

  5. Engage and Evolve: Regularly interact with your audience and use feedback to refine your brand voice, ensuring it remains relevant while staying true to your core values.

Embracing Technology Without Losing Authenticity

Smith's insights highlight a crucial point: as technology evolves, maintaining a consistent brand voice is essential to staying relevant and resonant with your target audience.

At Skyword, we help brands achieve this balance with Accelerator360™, a platform that leverages consumer insights, search data, business goals, and GenAI to both create and atomize content. This all-in-one solution allows you to streamline production while scaling your top-performing content for different platforms and audiences—all while ensuring your brand's message stays consistent and authentic.

As GenAI becomes widely adopted, it is critical to harness these tools without compromising your brand's voice. By integrating Accelerator360™ into your strategy, you can efficiently meet the demands of modern content creation while preserving your unique identity.

Ready to get started? Let's connect—I'm here to help.

Featured image by ParinApril at Adobe Stock.


Andrew Wheeler

Andrew C. Wheeler is the Chief Executive Officer of Skyword.