Content Strategy

Create a Thriving SEO Strategy in the Age of AI Overviews

By Andrew Wheeler on July 23, 2024

In May, I shared my initial insights into Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) and its potential impact on brands. Two months later, the reality is taking shape—and it's not all positive.

First available to users through Google's Search Labs, SGE features are quickly moving towards becoming standard in mainstream Google Search. At the heart of this shift are AI Overviews—concise summaries now prominently displayed at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). These AI-generated summaries present both significant challenges and unique opportunities for brands striving to stand out.

Notably, AI Overviews allow third-party sites and competitors to rank for your brand terms and related keywords. While this shift could lead to reduced organic rankings, increased competition, and potential traffic loss, it doesn't spell doom for proactive brands. SEO experts like Bernard Huang, Founder of Clearscope, believe this change offers a unique opportunity for those who adapt strategically.

In a recent episode of Skyword's podcast, Content Disrupted: Bold Takes On Brand Marketing, Bernard shared actionable search strategies to help brands thrive in the SGE era. Whether you're looking to optimize your current strategy or explore new tactics, his insights are invaluable. You can listen to the full episode here, but to give you a head start, here are my top four takeaways:

Key Takeaways for Ranking in the SGE Era

1. Expand Beyond Traditional Search

Expanding beyond traditional organic search is crucial for enhancing discoverability across all searchable platforms. Bernard argues alternative, search-led channels, including TikTok, Instagram, Linkedin, and Pinterest, are now more influential in driving demand, while traditional search engines are shifting toward fulfilling mid- to lower-funnel needs. By strategically diversifying engagement strategies across these emerging platforms, you can maximize your reach, engage broader audiences, and capitalize on evolving consumer search preferences.

As always, optimize your content tailored to the specific formats and audience behaviors of each channel. For instance, you could create engaging video content suited for TikTok's short-form format, detailed visual guides for Pinterest, or professional insights for Linkedin to capture diverse audience interests and drive traffic back to your brand's main site or other digital properties.

2. Evolve Content Past Informational Queries

As AI increasingly dominates informational queries, traditional strategies of targeting high-volume keywords with basic content—answering who, what, why, and where questions—are becoming obsolete. To stay competitive, pivot towards specialization within your niche and dive deep into specific topics to build authority.

Google now emphasizes focus scores, which assess the depth and relevance of a website's content on specific topics. This shift favors comprehensive, unique content that explores a subject's intricacies. For instance, instead of offering generic marathon information, a site focused on running should provide detailed personal insights, including first-hand training experiences, common pitfalls, and preparation strategies.

That's how a small university in Bloomington, Minnesota, with less than 200 undergraduate students and a contributing editor for Runner's World's personal website are able to appear in this AI Overview alongside a powerhouse brand like REI:

By producing in-depth, specialized content, you can differentiate your brand from larger competitors and align with Google's efforts to combat the flood of commoditized content produced by AI. Although the search volumes for these specialized topics might be smaller, the aggregate effect of a well-developed library of granular, authoritative content can drive significant traffic over time.

3. Leverage First-Hand Experience to Enhance Content Authenticity

The surge in AI-generated content has led to an oversaturation of commoditized information online, easily replicated by search algorithms. In response, Google's algorithms are evolving to prioritize content with genuine opinions and unique perspectives over simple keyword optimization.

This shift underscores a growing emphasis on authenticity and value. But while search engines are improving at identifying quality, the sheer volume of AI-generated material makes it challenging for Google to distinguish between truly valuable content and generic, automated information.

Google's focus on user engagement intensifies the competition, where established brands with higher domain authority often dominate. For new and emerging brands, standing out requires more than traditional SEO practices—it demands first-hand expertise and authentic insights to create content that genuinely resonates with audiences.

AI should be used as a tool to enhance or scale human content creation, not replace it. AI can assist in generating ideas and streamlining processes, but compelling content still relies on human expertise and unique perspectives. Emphasize creating E-E-A-T content—showcasing Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust—to differentiate your brand and establish credibility in an increasingly AI-dominated world.

4. Be a Cited Resource in AI Overviews

To effectively capture citations from AI results, focus on creating content that AI systems can recognize as valuable. Achieving topic authority isn't enough; brands must also produce content that AI algorithms deem relevant and beneficial.

Start by understanding the types of queries that AI tools prioritize and are designed to answer. Tailor your content to align with these query types, ensuring it addresses specific questions comprehensively and with depth. This approach not only increases your chances of being cited by AI systems but also improves your visibility in search results.

Enrich your content with substantial value by offering detailed insights, unique perspectives, and thorough explanations. By providing "information gain"—beyond basic facts—you create a resource that AI systems recognize as authoritative and useful to users.

By aligning your content strategy with AI's evolving capabilities, you can position your brand as a trusted source that AI systems are more likely to reference and boost traffic, credibility, and relevance.

Dominate in Search Faster with Accelerator360™

The arrival of AI Overviews in Google Search marks a significant shift in the SEO landscape. While traditional tactics may still hold value, a strategic pivot is necessary for brands to thrive in this new era.

Skyword's Accelerator360™ is a powerful tool to expedite this adaptation.

Leveraging Accelerator360, you can:

  • Identify high-impact keywords that target specialized topics within your niche.

  • Generate targeted briefs that guide content creation towards in-depth exploration of those topics.

  • Select top-tier freelance writers with the expertise to deliver E-E-A-T content rich in experience, authority, and trust.

  • Instantly repurpose SEO articles into assets—like email copy, social posts, and video scripts—for different channels and audiences.
  • Audit and optimize existing content to win in modern search.

Embrace the future of search with Accelerator360 and ensure your brand remains a trusted source in the age of AI-driven search. Ready to get started? I'm here to help.

Featured image by JovialFox at Adobe Stock.


Andrew Wheeler

Andrew C. Wheeler is the Chief Executive Officer of Skyword.